In this dynamic course with Catholic apologist Gary Michuta, you’ll discover the roots of the New Age movement, why it is antithetical to our faith, and how to evangelize its followers.

How to get the most out of Pseudo-Christian Apologetics - New Age and Mind Science with Gary Michuta:

  • First, read the course materials below before the first class meeting.

  • Then have a notebook ready and available for class notes each live session.

  • Read assignments before class meetings

  • Watch that week’s recording if you need to revisit information from our live session.

  • Do the assignments, quizzes, and any extra work assigned for that week.

  • Once the course is completed to the parent's and professor’s satisfaction, there is a Certificate of Completion at the end to be filled in for your records.

Total classes: 10

Duration: 55 minutes per class

Prerequisite: Completion of Introduction to Apologetics or other apologetics or philosophy course.

Suggested grade level: 9th to 12th grade

Suggested credit: ¾ semester Theology or Apologetics. For a full semester, add reading from Mr. Michuta’s optional Church History booklist.

Instructor: Gary Michuta

Instructor Email:

Course description: In the 1800's a new religious phenomenon took root in Protestantism known as the "mind science" movement. Today, the New Age movement became a multimillion-dollar enterprise whose beliefs were promulgated by well-known celebrities. Its strange practices of New Age eastern meditation, use of crystals, and beliefs have become normalized in our society. In this class we will look at the historic and philosophical roots of these beliefs, how they contradict Catholic teaching, and how to evangelize these groups.

Course outline:

Week 1: Understanding Ancient "New Agers" (Gnosticism, Hinduism, etc.). 

Week 2: What is Mind-Science?

Week 3: Mary Baker Eddy and Christian Science

Week 4: Myrtle and Charles Filmore and the Unity Church

Week 5: Hoax Science, Spiritism and other influences

Week 6: Blavatsky and Theosophy

Week 7: Main teachings of the New Age Movement today

Week 8: Why New Age Fails

Week 9: Christ in the New Age Movement

Week 10: Apologetics and the New Age

Course materials: The reading and assignments will be provided FREE by the instructor. There is no text to buy. Recommended reading (not required): Catholics and the New Age by Fr. Mitch Pacwa, ISBN-10: 089283756X, ISBN-13: 978-0892837564 (

Homework: Reading and weekly quizzes to reinforce learning. Quizzes are automated for immediate feedback.