Learn how to think well while staying true to your values ~ seize the opportunity to build and hone critical thinking skills:

listing valid reasons, analyzing opposing viewpoints, and thoroughly examining evidence.

A valuable skill for all students!

Course Description: Building and honing critical thinking gives your student the skills to succeed. This course combines the abstract and the concrete to train students with tools and methods to develop a habit in the context of their values. This allows them to step back, analyze a situation, and think logically. They will learn how to list reasons, analyze opposing viewpoints, and examine the evidence. By effectively and systematically completing Thinking Well: Conscientious Critical Thinking, Part One, your student will hone these vital critical thinking skills. Following this course, continue exploring this topic by signing up for Part Two in the spring semester.

Special Notes: This is Part One of a 2-part course. Students are expected to register for Part Two in the spring.

Total Classes: 12

Duration: 45 minutes

Prerequisite: None. However, students are highly encouraged to have completed Detecting Logical Fallacies, Parts One & Two prior to this course (also available through Unlimited Access).

Suggested Grade Level: 7th to 9th grade. Interested 10th grade students also welcomed

Suggested Credit: One full semester Formal Logic

Instructor: Tammy Parker

Instructor Email: tparker@pmamentor.com

Course Outline:

Class 1: Introduction & Lesson 1

Class 2: Lessons 2 & 3

Class 3: Lessons 4 & 5

Class 4: Lessons 6 & 7

Class 5: Lessons 8 & 9

Class 6: Lesson 10 & Prep for Mid-Term

Class 7: Lessons 11 & 12

Class 8: Lessons 13 & 14

Class 9: Lessons 15 & 16

Class 10: Lessons 17 & 18

Class 11: Lessons 19 & 20

Class 12: Lesson 21 & Prep for Final Exam

Course Materials:

Book: The Thinking Toolbox (2005) ISBN-13: 978-0974531519 (https://amzn.to/3f2n3IN). Utilizing a used copy of THIS edition is fine and often more affordable (see BookFinder.com). Other editions will NOT work well with this course.

This course covers the first 21 Lessons from this book (Part Two will briefly review these Lessons and then cover the rest of the book).

Online: Quizlet.com (Free student accounts are available.)

Homework: Students will work on about two chapters per week. Parents should note that the answer key in the back of this book is for the student’s use to check themselves as practice for their weekly work. In addition to the Practice Questions with the book’s lessons, there are Quizlet Terms/Definitions and computer tests: 4 Quizzes, a Mid-Term, and a Final Exam.