Come and learn about the great struggle between good and evil, as history brings us heroes and villains such as Jesus Christ and Pontius Pilate; Regulus of Rome and the Emperor Nero; Winston Churchill and Mussolini, Hitler, and more. Through stories, characters, and virtues, learn how the hand of God is behind history.

Total classes: 6

Duration: 45 minutes per class

Prerequisite: None

Suggested grade level: 6th to 8th grade.

Suggested credit: 1/2 semester History

Instructor: Kevin O’Brien

Instructor Email:

Students should contact Mr. O'Brien from his website,

Course description: To give young students an overview of the great struggle between good and evil that works itself out in history, we will examine some of the best “good guys” and some of the worst “bad guys” who ever lived. Stories, characters, virtues, vices - and the hand of God behind it all!

Course outline: 

  1. Hero - Jesus Christ

  2. Villain - Pontius Pilate

  3. Hero - Military Heroes

  4. Villain - Bad Emperors

  5. Hero - Abraham Lincoln

  6. Review - Adolph Hitler and Mother Teresa

Course materials: Biographical and historical sketches provided FREE as PDFs by the Instructor 

Homework: Plan on about an hour’s worth of reading or research outside of class each week. We will have two quizzes and a final essay assignment. No answer key is included with this course.