Get excited about math with Dr. Correira -- and discover how math can be fun, exciting, and full of surprises! Instead of apprehension, help give your student an attitude of positive anticipation for future math lessons when you join this course.

How to get the most out of Numbers Party I: Don’t Call It Math with Kris Correira:

  1. First, be sure to have the required material ready.
  2. Watch the video and participate in the activity as you watch.
  3. Do any extra work assigned for that week.
  4. Once the course is completed to the parent's and professor’s satisfaction, there is a Certificate of Completion at the end to be filled in for your records.

Total classes: 8

Duration: 55

Prerequisite: None

Suggested grade level: 6th to 8th grade

Suggested credit: ¼ semester Math

Instructor: Kris Correira

Instructor email:

Course description: Dr. Correira is inviting you to a theme party—and the theme is numbers! Your host has a series of party games that involve interesting forms and uses of numbers. Just be sure to bring the needed supplies to the party!

Course outline:

Day 1 & 2: Party game 1—Roman Numerals (a deeper appreciation of place value)

Day 3 & 4: Party game 2—Roll the Dice (probability and histograms)

Day 5 & 6: Party game 3—Solomon Grundy (finite numbering systems)

Day 7 & 8: Party game 4—Off and On (binary numbers, measurement, computers)

Course materials:

Paper—plain, graph, and index cards.

Pencils—plain and colored.

Dice, 2 six-sided preferable of different colors. (OPTIONAL – pairs of other polyhedral dice).

Print and cut out: Binary Wall and 7-piece pie.

Homework: No homework!