What is an Encyclical? And why does bioethics matter to me? Once a week over four weeks, join Dr. Correira and learn what Pope Saint John Paul II wrote about bioethics and “The Gospel of Life” in a dynamic study of moral theology and medicine.

Total classes: 4

Duration: 75 minutes (1 hour 15 minutes) per class

Prerequisite: None

Suggested grade level: High school

Instructor: Kris Correira, DSc

Instructor Email: athomescience@gmail.com

Course description: This series focuses on two encyclicals of Pope Saint John Paul II written in the 1990’s that are essential readings in bioethics and moral theology. Encyclicals aren’t written just for theologians! As laymen, we can (and should!) be studying the writings as well, to gain a rich understanding of how to think and live in our culture today. In this course, we will dive into Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life). Students will read the assigned pages, watch a video lecture, and interact on a discussion board before meeting as a class to discuss the material.

Course outline:

Week 1: Evangelium Vitae (EV) Introduction & Chapter 1 (pp. 1 – 23)

Week 2: EV Chapter 2 (pp. 23 – 41)

Week 3: EV Chapter 3 (pp. 41 – 62)

Week 4: EV Chapter 4 & Conclusion (pp. 62 – 83)

Course materials:

All other materials are supplied.

Homework: Grades are based on discussion board activity and class participation relating to assigned reading(s) and recording(s). Students should expect to spend 2–3 hours on homework.