Instructor Access (optional grading support) for Unlimited Access families is available for this course! 

Choices, choices, choices! How do we make good decisions as a Catholic in today’s world? In this class, we will explore Father Michael Scanlan's guide "What Does God Want?" as well as the wisdom of the Saints throughout the ages and learn practical skills that can help discern God's will in both large and small decisions. 

How to get the most out of Decision Making for Catholic Teens with Debbie Gaudino:

  • Watch the video lectures
  • Complete the quizzes after classes 1-5 - submit these assignments to either your parents or instructor access. 

Total class sessions: 6

Duration: 55 minutes per class

Prerequisite: None

Suggested grade level: 9th to 12th grade

Suggested credit: ½ semester Theology

Instructor: Debbie Gaudino, MA

Instructor Email:

Course description: High school-aged teens are faced with the challenge of learning to make good decisions. Developing the tools needed to make independent, Godly decisions is one of the most important skills a teenager can learn, and one that will serve him or her throughout their lifetime. Using Fr. Michael Scanlan’s book “What Does God Want?” as our core text, this course will also draw from the lives and wisdom of the Catholic saints to provide solid principles for making good and Godly decisions. We will examine how to determine if a decision conforms to God’s will, the role of prayer and counsel in decision making, and the reliance on the gifts of the Holy Spirit when making difficult decisions. For every principle learned we will review different scenarios and apply those principles. 

Course outline:

  • Class One: Determining if a decision conforms to God’s will and if it will lead us to greater holiness and deeper conversion.  

  • Class Two: Determining if a decision is consistent with our other responsibilities and if others confirm it.   

  • Class Three: The role of our own heart in decision-making.  

  • Class Four: Handling Challenges in Decision Making

  • Class Five: The Courage to Make Difficult Decisions

  • ClassSix: Vocations and Life-Long Decisions

Course materials: What Does God Want? A Practical Guide to Making Decisions by Fr. Michael Scanlan IBSN: 978-1622826544 (