Dear Student,

Mrs. Stanley will be updating this course over the next few months and the course will stay open. 

How to get the most out of this course:

  • First, carefully read the course details below.
  • Prepare a notebook for notetaking and homework.
  • Students begin the course by clicking on the "Recording" and watching Mrs. Stanley's lecture for Class One.
  • Next, students should click on the Homework and complete the work in their notebook or on their computer. Turn into your parent for grading.
  • Answer keys are provided. Students are on the honor system.
  • If you need review, go back and watch the recording again and/or go over the PowerPoint.
  • Repeat until all 9 classes are complete.
  • The Final Exam is an automated quiz and should be taken under parent's supervision.
  • Once the course is completed to the parent's satisfaction, there is a Certificate of Completion at the end to be filled in for your records.

Total Classes: 9

Prerequisite: None 

Suggested Grade Level: 6th to 8th grade

Suggested Credit: 3/4 semester History

Instructor: Alison Stanley, JD

Course Description: World War One was known at the time as the Great War. It was the War to End All Wars. However, little was won and much was lost. We will explore the events leading up the World War I, famous generals and battles and any relevant legal issues that arose in America during this time period.

Course Materials: Provided free online or by the instructor.

Homework: Original sources and legal documents will be reviewed, as well as short videos watched and analyzed.

Answer Keys: An answer key booklet is provided with this course that contains answers to homework questions.