Help your high school student become scripturally literate -- and learn how to enjoy your Bible -- as you read and discuss the Old and New Testaments, allowing the Holy Spirit to bring God’s word to life! Learn how God’s word is indeed “living” and how everything, even in the Old Testament, points to Jesus. 

How to get the most out of Living Scripture, Part Four with Kevin O’Brien:

  • Watch each Recorded class session.
  • Complete all quizzes and assignments. Parents can grade any essay questions, or they may purchase Instructor Access for Kevin O'Brien to grade the essay questions.
  • The reading for each week can be found in that week's module.
  • Repeat for each until course is completed.
  • Once the course is completed to the parent's satisfaction, there is a Certificate of Completion at the end to be filled in for your records. Homeschool Connections does not provide record keeping.

Special Notes: Students are welcome to join us midyear and do not need to take the previous parts of this Living Scripture series to join this course (Part Four).

In addition to the 12 live classes, there are brief daily video lessons.

Total Classes: 12

Duration: 55 minutes

Prerequisite: None. Students need not have taken Living Scripture parts One, Two, or Three. This course will pick up with where we left off in the Bible at the end of Living Scripture, Part Three. Students are welcome to join the course in any given semester, as we slowly work our way through the entire Bible!

Suggested Grade Level: 9th to 12th grade

Suggested Credit: One full semester Theology or Scripture

Instructor: Kevin O’Brien

Instructor Email:

Course Description: “Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ,” said St. Jerome. 

The aim of this course is to remedy the Scriptural illiteracy of the average Catholic, even the average devout Catholic.  We will read and discuss various sections of the Bible throughout the Semester, allowing the Holy Spirit to bring God’s word to life in us and to reveal to us how everything in God’s word is indeed “living” and how everything, even in the Old Testament, points to Jesus. 

Peter Kreeft says that you don’t read the Bible; the Bible reads you.  He also says that the Bible is “God’s love letter to us.”  In this course, we will learn to read that “love letter” from God and we will end up being moved by it.

Course Outline: We will read five readings from Scripture daily, including selections from:

  1. An Old Testament Historical book

  2. A Psalm

  3. An Old Testament Wisdom or Prophetic book

  4. A New Testament Epistle or non-Gospel reading

  5. A Gospel

Mr. O’Brien will post a brief daily video lecture commenting on one of more of that day’s readings.  We will then, during our live Monday gatherings, discuss the readings that made the biggest impression on us throughout the previous week.

Course Materials: The Holy Bible, any translation, but we will especially focus on the variety of translations and interlinear versions available online.

Homework: Five rather short daily readings from Scripture, plus a daily video of five to ten minutes to watch and comment upon.  Plan on about an hour a day.