Gain a clear understanding of entrepreneurship -- including how it works, what it’s like, and more -- to learn the business foundations of entrepreneurship and how to be an entrepreneur. 

Entrepreneurship Idea Board money plants growing

How to get the most out of Entrepreneurship, Part One with Tammy Parker:

  • BEFORE the course begins...
    • review the course structure;
    • ensure you have a Quizlet account; and
    • download the syllabus.
  • Plan out when you will study each week for this class.
  • Have a notebook (w/pen or pencil) ready and available for class notes each live session.
  • If you need to revisit information, watch the corresponding week’s recording.
  • Complete ALL tasks, assignments, quizzes, &/or tests assigned each week.
    • Homework: Students should plan 3-4 hours per week outside of class time for vocabulary study, weekly reading, assessments, and/or investigations, as well as studying for and taking a midterm test and a final exam.

Once the course is completed to the parent's and instructor’s satisfaction, there is a Certificate of Completion at the end to be filled in for your records.

Special Notes: This is Part One of a 2-part course. 

Total Classes: 12

Duration: 55 minutes

Prerequisite: None

Suggested Grade Level: 10th to 12th grade or mature 9th grade

Suggested Credit: One full semester Entrepreneurship or Business

Meeting Location: 

Instructor: Tammy Parker

Instructor email:

Course Description: What is entrepreneurship? How does it work? Is it for me? Through this Entrepreneurship Part One course, students gain an understanding of entrepreneurship’s possibilities, business vocabulary and concepts, and how-it-works truths, as they’re introduced to the joys and challenges encompassed in that one word… entrepreneurship. To get more how-to learning and advanced ideas on entrepreneurship, sign up for Entrepreneurship, Part Two.

Course Outline:

  • Class 1:  The Who 

  • Class 2:  The What 

  • Class 3:  The Where 

  • Class 4:  The When 

  • Class 5:  The Why 

  • Class 6:  Prep for Midterm Test

  • Class 7:  The How

  • Class 8:  Legal Structures

  • Class 9:  Vendors

  • Class 10:  Marketing

  • Class 11:  Customers

  • Class 12:  Prep for Final Exam

Course Materials: This course utilizes free online sources and free PDF files.

Homework: Students should plan two to three hours per week outside of class time for vocabulary study, weekly reading, assessments, and/or investigations, as well as studying for and taking a midterm test and a final exam.