Study the matter and forces God used to create our universe, as we learn physical science together. 

Total Classes:  13

Duration: 50 minutes

Prerequisite: 7th-grade math, previous or concurrent

Suggested Grade Level: 7th to 9th grade

Suggested Credit: One full semester Physical Science

  • This is a 3-part course; for a total of 1.5 middle school science credits.  Ideally, high school students would complete all three parts for one year of high school science credit.

Instructor: Mrs. Kathy Dutton

Instructor email:

Course Description: This is a ‘flipped’ class. Students are required to watch the Lecture Video before the Recorded Class.  The Recorded Class is a discussion (question and answer) format based on the lecture. Students are expected to answer all questions before I discuss the correct answer.

We will be studying the matter and forces that God used to create our universe.  Completion of this course (both parts 1, 2, and 3) will be excellent preparation for high school Chemistry and Physics.

Course Outline:

  • Unit 1 - Introduction to Physical Science
    • Topic 1: The World of Physical Science (What is Physical Science?, The Scientific Method, Scientific Models, Measurement)
    • Topic 2:  The Properties of Matter (What is Matter?, Physical Properties, Chemical Properties)
    • Topic 3:  States of Matter (Three States of Matter, Behavior of Gases, Changes of State)
  • Unit 2 – Motion & Forces
    • Topic 1:  Matter in Motion (Measuring Matter, What is Force?, Friction: A Force That Opposes Motion), Gravity: A Force of Attraction)
    • Topic 2:  Forces and Motion (Gravity and Motion, Newton's Law of Motion, Momentum)
    • Topic 3: Forces in Fluids (Fluids and Pressure, Buoyant Force, Fluids in Motion)

Course Materials and Technology:


  • The lecture videos must be viewed before the recorded class each week.
  • Assignments include online homework, a quiz with each chapter, and unit tests.
  • All assignments are auto-graded with immediate feedback. 
  • Most students will complete the weekly assignments in about 2 to 2.5 hours.