This course is an introduction to practical apologetics to help you better explain and defend Catholic teaching. Drawing on 25 years of experience in dialoguing and debating with thousands of non-Catholics, Mr. Martignoni will teach you how to answer specific objections as well as general strategies to use when posed with challenges to your Catholic faith. 

How to get the most out of Blue Collar Apologetics with John Martignoni, MBA:

  • Read and/or listen to the assignments for the class before watching each class video.

  • Note: When an assignment for a class includes reading "class notes" - these will be found in the video of that class.

Total Classes: 12 + 1 bonus class

Duration: 55 minutes 

Prerequisite: None

Suggested Grade Level: High school and up 

Suggested Credit: One full semester Apologetics or Theology. 

Instructor: John Martignoni, MBA

Instructor email:

Course Description: Students will learn practical apologetics to equip them for explaining and defending Catholic beliefs, as well as bring them to a better understanding of their Catholic faith. Multiple apologetics arguments will be explored to deal with specific Protestant objections. Students will also learn arguments for the existence of God. All of this will be taught alongside general strategies and tactics for dealing with any apologetics situation. 

Course Outline:

  • Class 1 - Introduction to Apologetics: Rules of Engagement; 4 Apologetics Strategies

  • Class 2 - What is truth?  Is there such a thing as truth? Moral Relativism

  • Class 3 - The Case for God - Creation/The Universe; The Problem of Evil; The Moral Dilemma; Rights and the Declaration; Leprechauns/Unicorns; A Walk Through the Woods

  • Class 4 - Faith vs. Science? Genesis and Evolution; The Faith of Atheists

  • Class 5 - The Case for Jesus: Historical Sources -- Christian/Non-Christian; The Bible

  • Class 6 - The Case for the Catholic Church -- Historical Sources; The Papacy; Miracles; Protestants

  • Class 7 - The Pillars of Protestantism -- Sola Scriptura

  • Class 8 - The Pillars of Protestantism -- Sola Scriptura/Sola Fide

  • Class 9 - Sola Fide (conclusion)

  • Class 10 - The Sacraments and the Bible -- Baptism/Confession/Eucharist

  • Class 11 - Mary/Purgatory

  • Class 12 - The Pope

  • Class 13 (Bonus) - Once Saved, Always Saved?

Course Materials: Catholic Bible; Catechism of the Catholic Church; Written and audio materials free from

Homework Expect to spend two to three hours per class reading selections from Bible Christian Society "Apologetics for the Masses" newsletter; as well as passages from the Bible and selected paragraphs of the Catechism; plus listening to audio from There will be regular computer-graded quizzes plus a midterm and final exam (short essays). An answer key is not provided for this class.

If you have any questions please contact us at

©2020 Homeschool Connections and John Martignoni, MBA. All rights reserved. This course is designed by John Martignoni, MBA.

  • This material is only to be used for its intended purpose by active subscribers of Homeschool Connections. Any other use without explicit permission is in violation of the seventh commandment (yes, the 7th commandment) and in violation of US and International copyright laws.