Dear Student,

This course is scheduled to be retired on Nov. 30, 2024. You may continue to work on this course until then. We are not replacing this course at this time.  Please browse this subject to find other comparable courses.  Please check out the Live courses that are similar here:

NOTICE: This is an older course recorded with Adobe Connect and/or Vimeo recordings. We are currently working to replace the recordings with new Zoom recordings.  Please don't hesitate to email us at with any questions.

How to Get the Most Out of This Course:

  • Order the electronic book by emailing; the cost is $5.50.

  • Read through the syllabus and all the course details below.

  • Prepare a notebook just for this course for notetaking and labs.

  • Complete each lesson:

    1. Read corresponding lesson in the ebook (for example, Chapter 1, Lesson 1).

    2. Next, click on the "Recording" and watch Mrs. Correira's lecture for that lesson.  A file containing the lesson slides are also included.

    3. Explore the Internet sites provided (these are optional unless otherwise specified)

    4. If you need review, go back and watch the recording again and/or go over the slides.

    5. Complete the homework and submit it to your grader; this should be done before taking the quiz.

    6. Complete the open-book quiz (you may use your notes, the lecture slides, and the book while taking the quiz.)  Grade can be viewed online when the quiz is completed.

  • Repeat until all 12 classes are complete. Note that Class 6 and 12 are open-book exams so those classes have no lecture or homework. Optional Internet links are provided to help review for the exam.

  • Once the course is completed to the parent's satisfaction, there is a Certificate of Completion at the end to be filled in for your records.

Prerequisite: None

Suggested grade level: 9th to 12th grade

Instructor: Kris Correira, PA-C, MHP

Course description: Your heart beats around 100,000 times, and your lungs take 18,000 breaths in a day. How do these amazing organs work? Learn about the beauty and precision of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as some of the more common diseases that can afflict them.

Course outline:

  • Heart Anatomy

  • Controlling the Heartbeat

  • Blood Vessels

  • Circulation

  • Diseases of the Cardiovascular System

  • Midterm Exam

  • Respiratory Anatomy

  • Ventilation

  • pH and Acid-base Homeostasis

  • Respiration

  • Diseases of the Respiratory System

  • Final Exam

Course materials: The electronic book (eBook) for the course costs $5.50 and can be requested by emailing Kris Correira,

Homework: The course will include a midterm and a final exam. Homework will be assigned throughout the semester. Students will take a quiz each week before the lecture starts.

Instructor's biography: Mrs.Correira, PA-C, MHP is a wife and a homeschooling mom of three boys.  She worked as a physician assistant in a busy emergency department for over 16 years and now works for a walk-in clinic.  She taught paramedic students at a local community college for 20 years and taught human biology labs at a state university.  She has over ten years of experience teaching online classes.

She received her Bachelor of Arts degrees in Biological Sciences and Computer Science from Wellesley College, and her Physician Assistant Certificate and Masters of Health Professions degree from Northeastern University.

You can find Kris on the web at her science blog or her homeschool blog or her nature study blog  You can also find her at daily Mass, adoration, or whatever event is going on at the parish her family attends.