
Dear Student,

This course is scheduled to be retired on Nov 30, 2024.  You may continue using this course; however, we highly suggest moving to the new, updated course.

 Please check out the Live courses here:

NOTICE: This is an older course recorded with Adobe Connect and/or Vimeo recordings. We are currently working to replace the recordings with new Zoom recordings.  Please don't hesitate to email us at with any questions.

 How to get the most out of The Aeneid: The Founding of Nations in the Will of God with Dr. Henry Russell:

  • First, read the course details below and purchase or borrow the book.
  • Prepare a notebook for notetaking and homework.
  • Books of the Aeneid to be read for each class are listed at the beginning of each week's topic announcement.  For example Week II reads: "Books I and II: The Wrath and the Promise of Heaven." That tells you to read Books I and II for that day's session.  There is no required reading for Week I.
  • Students begin the course by clicking on the "Recording" and watching Dr. Russell's lecture for Class One.
  • Complete the Quiz. Answer Key is provided for self grading or to be graded by a parent.
  • The reading for each next week can also be found at the end of that week's module.
  • If you need review, go back and watch the recording again and/or go over the PowerPoint.
  • Repeat until all 7 classes are complete.
  • Once the course is completed to the parent's satisfaction, there is a Certificate of Completion at the end to be filled in for your records. Make sure to record your grades (HSC does not provide record keeping services).


Total Classes: 7

Prerequisite: The ability to read, understand, and enjoy The Aeneid by Virgil

Suggested Grade Level: 9th to 12th

Suggested Credit: 1/2 semester credit. For a full credit in literature, add Dr. Russell's course on Homer's Odyssey.


Course Description: When we visit Washington D.C. the great buildings are not imitations of Greek but of Roman architecture. Our country was founded not as a democracy but as a Republic. George Washington was called “The Father of His Country.” Each of these three facts, and many more, are due to the enduring and world-wide influence of Virgil’s Aeneid.

In a Rome weakened by wealth and pleasure, then shattered by civil war, only to unite under an emperor, Virgil celebrated the subordination of individual ambition and pleasure to pietas—a triune duty to God, to the nation built under God’s will, and to the future of the family. Building on the brilliance of Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, as well as Platonic philosophy, Virgil expanded the quest from the restoration of the family and one’s individual relation to God to the restoration of the whole nation and its relation to heavenly power. This was the original conception of our nation which our Founding Fathers honored in so many ways, and which we are in great peril as we now forget.

Dante, the greatest of all poets, chose Virgil as his heaven-sent fictional guide, not merely through Hell but Purgatory as well, signaling the seeds of vast Christian wisdom which he found.


Instructor: Henry Russell, PhD


Course Materials: Dr. Russell recommends Robert Fitzgerald’s translation of the Aeneid. You are free to use any translation you like, but you should have one with line numbers or it will be almost impossible to follow along with frequent references to the author’s words.


Homework: Quizzes, essay topics, and final with answer key provided.