NOTICE: All recordings have been updated with improved video and sound quality! 


Formerly Named: Intermediate Latin (Wheelock), Part Two

Total Classes: 10

Duration: Varies per lesson recording
Prerequisite: Wheelock's Latin, Second Year, Part One
Suggested Grade Level: 9th to 12th grade

Suggested High School Credit: One full semester of Latin or Foreign Language

Instructor: Mrs. Henry

Instructor Email: 

How to get the most out of Wheelock's Latin, Second Year, Part Two with Mrs. Henry:

  1. Recording: Always begin each lesson by watching the recordings 
  2. Note taking: Be sure to take good notes while you watch the recordings
  3. Checklists: After the videos, use the checklist to help you stay organized
  4. Homework: Work on the corresponding homework assignment(s), quizzes, etc.
  5. Review: If you are confused about what you learned, re-watch parts of the recording for clarity. Read corresponding chapters in the book.
  6. Pace: You may work at your own pace. Students are encouraged to complete one lesson per week
  7. Answers: Homework assignments are either automatically graded by Moodle or are reviewed in the class recordings. 
  8. Instructor Access is Available: If you would like your student's translations graded, you can sing up for Instructor Access. 

Course Description: Students will continue their Latin journey in part two of this course. Students will be introduced to subjunctives, additional vocabulary, and more translation skills. Breakout rooms, Quizlet, and other materials supplemented by the instructor will be utilized to encourage good study habits. The textbook, Wheelock's Latin, will be our overarching guide for the course. Students will explore both Ecclesiastical and Classical pronunciations.

Course Materials:

Homework: Students can expect to spend thirty minutes a day on their daily homework assignments. Students will gain more practice in translation. There will be weekly quizzes and approximately three exams.  

Course Outline: 

Lesson One 
Ablative Absolute, Passive Periphrastic, Dative of Agent Caput XXIV

Lesson Two 
Infinitives: Indirect Statement Caput XXV 

Lesson Three 
Comparison of Adjectives  
Ablative of Comparison  Caput XXVI 
Irregular Comparison of Adjectives  Caput XXVII 

Lesson Four 
Subjunctive Mood: Present Tense  
Jussive Subjunctive  

Lesson Five 
Purpose Clauses and Result Clauses Caput XXVIII & Caput XXIX 

Lesson Six
Imperfect Subjunctive  
Present and Imperfect Subjunctive of Sum & Possum  Caput XXIX 

Lesson Seven 
Perfect and Pluperfect Subjunctive  
Indirect Questions  Caput XXX 

Lesson Eight 
Sequence of Tenses  
Caput XXX
Cum Clauses Caput XXXI

Lesson Nine
Conditions, Caput XXXIII. 

Lesson Ten 
Ferre  Caput XXXI, 
Jussive Noun Clauses  Caput XXXVI 

Lesson Eleven - Final Exam (No Lesson)