NOTICE: This is an older course recorded with Adobe Connect and/or Vimeo recordings. We are currently working to replace the recordings with new Zoom recordings.  Please don't hesitate to email us at with any questions.

Formerly Named: Advanced Latin, Part One

How to get the most out of Advanced Latin – Part One  with Mrs. Henry:

  • Come to class (or watch the recording) always prepared with your translations 
  • Take thorough notes during each class
  • Correct any errors in your translations 
  • Do all of your homework on time
  • Study the grammar and vocabulary concepts that we learn this semester 
  • Review older grammar concepts and vocabulary 

Total Classes: 12
Duration: 55 minutes
Prerequisite: Intermediate Latin, Part Two or the equivalent

Suggested Grade Level: 10th to 12th grade
Suggested High School Credit: One full semester of Latin or Foreign Language

Instructor: Emily Henry
Instructor Email:

Course Description:  This course is the next step for students who have taken Intermediate Latin and are ready to implement their knowledge through translation.  Advanced Latin will focus on implementing both grammar and vocabulary along with mastery of translation. Students will work primarily out of the Wheelock’s Latin Reader.  The goal of this course is to help students gradually transition from being students of grammar to becoming students of translation. Students will begin to hone and sharpen their knowledge of Latin syntax, grammar, and vocabulary. Students will discover by the end of this course that they are more confident in their translation abilities, can identify syntax and grammar, and are comfortable with a great deal of vocabulary.

Course Materials:

Homework: Students can expect to spend 1 hour a day on homework assignments. 

Course Outline 

Week One 
Relative Clause of Characteristic 
Proviso Clauses
Caput XXXII 

Week Two 
Deponent Verbs  
Ablative with Special Deponents  
Caput XXXIV 
Translation: The Ten Commandments  

Week Three 
Dative of Reference & Supines  
Translation: The Ten Commandments  
Formation and Comparison of Adverbs  

Week Four
Dative with Adjectives, Special Verbs, and Compounds  
Caput XXXV 
Translation: Job on the Inaccessibility of Wisdom 

Week Five 
The Irregular Verb Fio  
Caput XXXVI 
Conjugation of Eo 
Place and Time Constructions  
Translation: Job on the Inaccessibility of Wisdom 

Week Six 
Gerund and Gerundive  
Caput XXXIX 
Translation: The Futility of Man's Life on Earth

Week Seven 
-Ne, Num, and Nonne in Direct Questions  
Fear Clauses  
Genitive and Ablative of Description  
Caput XL 
Translation: The beam and the straw 

Break - Midterm Exam 

Week Eight 
Intro to Poetry – Scansion 
Translation: A tree is known by its fruit 

Week Nine 
Poetry and Meter 
Translation: The Aeneid  

Week Ten 
The Good Samaritan 

Week Eleven 
The Prodigal Son: Part One 

Week Twelve 
The Prodigal Son, Part Two 

Final Exam