How to get the most out of Henle Latin: First Year, Part One with Mrs. Henry:

  • Have all required course material before you begin the course 
  • Always begin by watching the class recording FIRST before proceeding with your homework
  • When you watch each class recording, you will need the following:
    • A notebook to jot down grammar notes, etc.
    • Something to write with 
    • Your textbook 
    • Homework assignments ready for your notes/corrections 
  • Use the checklist in Moodle under each week to stay organized
  • You are encouraged to complete all assignments each week
  • You may check the answers to most of your homework assignments with the First Year Henle Latin Answer Key (can be bought online). Certain assignments will have answers given in the class recordings. You may self-correct those assignments on your own as you watch the lesson. 

Course Outline: 

  • This semester will cover Units One and Two of First Year Henle Latin 

Course Materials: 

  • First Year Henle Latin textbook, Answer Key, and Grammar Book 


Total Classes: 12
Duration: Approx 55 minutes
Prerequisite: None
Suggested Grade Level: 9th to 12th grade

Suggested High School Credit: None
Class Instructor: Mrs. Henry
Instructor Email:

Course Description: Throughout this twelve-week course, students will focus on learning Latin grammar and vocabulary. They will explore both Classical and Ecclesiastical pronunciations. Breakout rooms, Quizlet, and other materials supplemented by the instructor will be utilized to encourage good study habits. The textbook, First Year Henle Latin will be our overarching guide for the course.

Homework: Students will have homework assignments, quizzes, and exams that will reinforce the material covered in this course. Students can expect to spend 30 minutes a day on their homework. In addition to homework, students will be encouraged to study Latin for at least fifteen minutes each day for mastery of both vocabulary and grammar.