How to get the most out of Dawn of History: Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, and Persia with Phillip Campbell:

  • First, read the course details below.

  • Prepare a notebook for note-taking and homework.

  • Students begin the course by clicking on the "Recording" and watching the instructor's lecture for Class One.

  • Complete the Week One Activities.

  • If you need review, go back and watch the recording again and/or go over the Powerpoint.

  • Repeat until all classes are complete.

  • Once the course is completed to the parent's satisfaction, there is a Certificate of Completion at the end to be filled in for your records. Homeschool Connections does not provide record keeping.

Total Classes: 12

Prerequisite: None

Suggested Grade Level: 9th to 12th grade

Suggested High School Credit: One full semester History, Ancient History, or World History. For a full year credit, follow with Mr. Campbell’s spring course, Christ and Caesar: The Ancient World and the Founding of Christendom

Class Instructor: Mr. Phillip Campbell

Instructor Email:

Course Description:  This foundational course in world history will introduce students to the world's first great civilizations. Focus will be on Mesopotamia, Egypt, Assyria, and Palestine, but we will also briefly visit ancient Anatolia, India, and China. Students will learn about the material culture, political history, intellectual life, religious customs and contributions of each society to the advancement of civilization. In addition, ancient religions will be critically examined in their negative elements as perversions of natural law and in their positive elements as preparatio evangeli, preparations for the Gospel.   

Course Outline:

  • Class 1: Characteristics of Civilization

  • Class 2: Old Kingdom Egypt

  • Class 3: The Middle Kingdom

  • Class 4: Mesopotamia

  • Class 5: The New Kingdom

  • Class 6: India & China

  • Class 7: Ancient Israel

  • Class 8: Hittites, Hurrians, & Canaanites

  • Class 9: The Bearded Kings

  • Class 10: Babylon

  • Class 11: The Rise of the Bear

  • Class 12: The End of the Ancient World

Course Materials: All materials will be provided free online by the instructor and will consist of primary source readings.

Homework:  Homework will consist of weekly readings from primary sources provided online (approx. one hour per week), and automated weekly quizzes based on the lectures and readings.

Answer Key: An answer key booklet is not included with this course; quizzes are self-grading.