NOTICE: This is an older course recorded with Adobe Connect and/or Vimeo recordings. We are currently working to replace the recordings with new Zoom recordings.  Please don't hesitate to email us at with any questions.


How to get the most out of Short Stories with Kevin O’Brien:

  • Follow the instructions for each class meeting.

  • Once the course is completed to the parent's and professor’s satisfaction, there is a Certificate of Completion at the end to be filled in for your records.

Total classes: 8

Duration: 45 minutes

Prerequisite: None

Suggested grade level: 7th, 8th, and 9th Grade.

Suggested credit: ½ Semester English or Literature

InstructorKevin O’Brien

Instructor Email:

Course Description: We will read a variety of short stories from a number of authors, including Mark Twain, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Ring Lardner, O Henry and more.  We will discuss two short stories in class each day - for a total of sixteen stories! We will analyze the stories on the basis of plot, character development, and theme. And we will look at the prose styles of the various authors. Each story should take no more than about an hour to read.

Course Outline: A different short story by a different author will be discussed in each class meeting.

Course Materials: 100 Great Short Stories, edited by James Dailey.  ISBN-10: 0486790215 (ISBN-13: 978-0486790213) also available as an ebook. The instructor will also provide free PDF files with stories in the public domain.

Homework: We will read two different short stories as homework each day and discuss the stories in the next class.

Answer Key: An answer key is not included with this course, but instructor access is available.