Learn about the world around you with the physics of our everyday lives -- including motion, gravity, temperature, heat, vibrations, sound, light, electric currents, and more -- to develop your critical thinking and problem-solving skills in this engaging and dynamic Physics course.

Dear Student,

This course is scheduled to be retired on Nov 30, 2024.  You may continue using this course; however, we highly suggest moving to the new, updated course.  


 Please check out the Live courses here: https://caravel.homeschoolconnections.com/catalog/

Course Text cover

Note: This is a 2-part course. Students who wish to join us midyear should email to check prerequisites.

Total Classes:14

Prerequisite: Algebra I (Geometry is recommended); Physics, Part One

Suggested Grade Level: 9th to 12th grade

Suggested Credit: 1 full semester

Instructor: Thomas Frederick, MS

Course description:

This 14-week course is the second course in a two-part series in introductory Physics concepts. The class does not rely too heavily on advanced mathematical calculations but algebraic understanding is required. Instead, we will stick to principles, overarching concepts, and major theories and how they apply to our everyday lives. Students will have live instruction once a week, as well as frequent online interactives and simulations that will assist them in understanding and applying knowledge. The course is a survey of topics in physics with the goal of leading toward further study (Advanced Placement or College Prep Physics). Students will build on their natural intuition—and break some commonly held misconceptions. Students will learn how the cosmos that God created works and apply the laws of physics to everyday examples in their lives. Students will learn that physics is phun!

In order to ensure student success, students will be expected to read ahead in the textbook, interact with online resources, complete weekly homework assignments, and take weekly quizzes.  There will be five Unit Tests that each student will take.

For students and parents seeking a "lab" credit: There is no formal lab component to this Introductory Physics course. However, students get some experience in data collection and analysis through online interactive simulations. Interactives are assigned for most weeks and take 30-60 minutes to complete. These are not formal lab write-ups. If you like, as a parent, you could simply adjust the course to have your student write up formal labs for any of the interactive activities you see fit (see https://homeschool-101.com/write-lab-report/ on how to write a lab report) and evaluate these as part of your child's learning experience. In that case, this introductory Physics class could count as a lab credit. 

Homework: Weekly reading from the textbook as well as online resources will be assigned. Homework questions will be assigned from the textbook (along with solutions for students to self-check progress). Students will also be assigned interactive online activities that will help them to better understand and apply concepts learned in class. Each week students will have an interactive activity and a Moodle-based quiz or test.