Total Classes: 10

Duration: 55 minute

Prerequisite: None

Suggested Grade Level: 9th to 12th Grade

Suggested Credit: 2/3 semester Science. Extra-credit assignments or reading can be added for full credit.

Instructor: Christine Hamilton Ph.D.


Course Description: Welcome to the exciting World of Marine Biology!  Topics students study include ecological concepts of the sandy beach, rocky shore and benthic communities, seaweeds, planktonic forms, plankton and their relationship to marine life cycles, nekton, benthos, marine bacteriology, marine biological resources, and marine pollution. 

Course Outline:

1. The Ocean Environment

2. Marine Life Zones

3. Tools Used by Marine Biologists

4. Simple Marine Organisms

5. Worms and Mollusks

6. Arthropods

7. Phylum Echinodermata

8. Phylum Chordata

9. Marine Reptiles

10. Marine Mammals

Course Materials: All course materials will be provided FREE. 

Homework: Weekly vocabulary, reading, and quizzes. 1-2 hours/week. Students are expected to read the assigned reading and write their vocabulary words to prepare for the live lecture and computer-graded weekly quizzes (beginning Week 3).