Dear Students,
Please use Moodle email for appropriate reasons. Homeschool Connections wants you to primarily use Moodle email for course-related discussions. We realize that some discussions are also meant to build healthy, life-long relationships from remote parts of the world. This is permissible.
What is NOT permissible is listed below...
1. Emails that contain inappropriate content as determined by Homeschool Connections.
2. Chain emails.
3. Unwelcomed or unsolicited emails from another student. In other words, only attempt to email people from your Contact list or your course(s) who wish to be contacted.
Unfortunately, there has been inappropriate use of Moodle email among some students which has required me to remove the student from their respective courses. I, naturally, do not prefer to do this but will if necessary.
Finally, for students who wish to restrict the number and type of email you receive, please review the attached document for instructions on how to limit who emails you within Moodle.
God bless,
Mr. Crawford
Homeschool Connections